Thursday, May 7, 2020

German Club Index is Hosting Immersive "Drive-In Raves"

Social distancing has sparked some innovative solutions for ravers eager to attend events.

With most festivals and artists taking to the power of the internet to livestream DJ sets for fans in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, other organizers have been a bit more creative. Take Germany's super-club Index,for example, who recently came up with something rather innovative to satiate the cravings of those eager to hear music live once again.

Calling upon the past to bring something new to the future, Index has been hosting "drive-in raves"—events similar to the drive-in movie theaters of auld—where attendees can park in a large lot and witness DJ performances from the safety of their own automobiles. This environment ensures that attendees comply with social distancing guidelines and allows the venue to continue its operations while bringing in revenue during a time when it otherwise might be at a standstill. 

Index, housed in the town of Schüttorf, cleverly titled these events "Autodisco." Full production and audio streamed via radio provide a sense of being at the club, without actually being at the club. Though it's not the full clubbing experience, it's one step closer to normalcy for club regulars itching to get back on the dance-floor. 

Autodisco continues at Index this weekend with André Vernim, Michael Sanders, Marc Moel, and Marv. Those interested can learn more at Index's website

H/T: Resident Advisor


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