Wednesday, September 23, 2020

For $199, You Can Look Like a Cringey Daft Punk-Esque Astronaut With This Pandemic-Proof Helmet

Equal parts fascinating and horrifying, with a spritz of cringe.

Thanks to a bizarre new pandemic-proof wearable, you can now look like an astronaut plucked out of an early 90s pre-Daft Punk�helmet blueprint.

For $199, you can squeeze your head into MicroClimate's freakish "AIR" helmet, which the company is touting as a safe and stylish alternative to protect against COVID-19. More of a clumsy fishbowl than a trendy fashion statement, the new wearable cycles both inlet and outlet air through HEPA filters and contains a patented acrylic visor, which offers a clear view of the cosmonaut DJ behind it.

Despite its Black Mirror-esque appearance and inherently comical existence, though, the "AIR" model comes with a laundry list of impressive tech specs. In addition to its state-of-the-art fan-powered ventilation system, the unit is USB-rechargeable, contains cushioned liners for comfort, and has a four-hour battery life if you'd like to attend a rave with your fellow NASA dropouts. The only thing you really need to worry about is how to scratch your nose.

Twitter, of course, is having a field day.

For more information and to purchase your own "AIR," you can head over (see what I did there?) to MicroClimate's website. Units will begin to ship out in mid-October 2020.

If you're not yet convinced to fork up your dough, take a look at the video below, in which creator Michael Hall offers a glimpse into his flagship product and its bells and whistles.


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