Sunday, November 29, 2020

You Can Now Learn Spanish, French, and Other Languages With New Deezer Playlists

Streaming on Deezer may just help you pick up a new skill.

Need to refresh the foreign language skills you haven't tapped into since high school? Deezer's latest playlist series may be for you.

The streaming platform is betting on listeners' openness to the idea of learning their next language through the power of music. A survey conducted by the company appears to have revealed exactly that, as over 90% of respondents confirmed they believe music assists with language mastery. The company has retained language expert�Susanna Zarysky to help curate and launch five separate playlists, each designed to enhance the listener's understanding of a particular language.

The playlists, consisting of 20 tracks, are broken down into four segments, each having a specific purpose. The first five tracks are designed to enhance the listener's vocabulary while the second and third segments are aimed at enhancing pronunciation and teaching local slang. The program closes with five tracks designed to enhance the listener's understanding of the respective culture.

Zaraysky sees music as a driving force capable of piquing the intellectual curiosity needed to develop such a skill. “Music should be an integral part of the language learning process," Zaraysky said. “Not only is it fun, but it’s effective. Songs are the entry into the sounds of another language, and can assist in every aspect of language learning, from grammatical patterns to perfect pronunciation."

Thus far, the France-based online streaming service has developed playlists geared toward learning English, French, German, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish. Check them out here.


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